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About Us
The Swedenborg Center of Concord is a non-denominational educational project supported by the New Church of Concord, with the goals of increasing our rational understanding of life and the world and expanding the awareness of Swedenborg’s scientific and theological works.
In 2011, the SCC supported the development of The ISAS Forum for Integrating Science and Spirituality under the direction of George Gantz. Mr. Gantz is a graduate of Stanford University with a Bachelor of Science in Mathematics and Honors in Humanities and a lifelong student of philosophy, science and religion. He is particularly interested in finding ways in which the wisdom of religious traditions and the empirical truths of science can inform each other and lead to a richer and more integrated understanding.
Who was Swedenborg?
Emanuel Swedenborg was both an eminent scientist and religious revelator of the 18th century. His prodigious writings include numerous and varied works exploring the frontiers of natural philosophy and science covering topics in physics, chemistry, biology and the human brain. At the age of 50, inspired by a series of spiritual visions, he turned his impressive talents to the explication of a new theology grounded in a rational understanding of the internal spiritual meaning of sacred Christian texts. His theological works, including Secrets of Heaven, Divine Providence and Heaven and Hell, influenced many Enlightenment thinkers including the Transcendentalists and led to the founding of a New Church movement. His rational approach to both science and theology provide a model of inquiry as valuable today as at any time in the past.
For More Information:
The New Church of Concord is located at 53 Church St., Concord, Massachusetts. Visit the website at www.newchurchconcord.org.
The NCC is part of a worldwide church organization headquartered Bryn Athyn, Pennsylvania. Resources and information are located online at www.newchurch.org.
We would like to thank Isaac Smith, an architect living in the Boston area, for the original website design and setup, and Ivan Junge of Bison Design Group in Boulder Colorado for modifications and additional web support.