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Resources on Swedenborg
April 26th, 2012
A list of Swedenborg’s scientific works is attached: Swedenborgs Scientific Works.
The New Church of Concord (www.newchurchconcord.org) is located at 53 Church St., Concord, Massachusetts.
Pastor Matthew Genzlinger also maintains a blog called The Internal Sense.
The NCC is part of a worldwide church organization headquartered Bryn Athyn, Pennsylvania. Resources and information are located online at www.newchurch.org.
Information and resources about Emanuel Swedenborg and his writings are available from a variety of sources including:
The Swedenborg Foundation.
The Swedenborg Scientific Association.
Mind, Brain and Spirit
March 21st, 2011
Scientific research into the human brain and the phenomena of consciousness and choice is one of the most rapidly evolving areas in science, and it includes the fields of neurobiology, psychology and even computer science. At the same time, the debate between strict materialism and various types of dualism, which dates back at least 400 years, is alive and well. A selection of resources is provided below.
Biology and Evolution
March 21st, 2011
The list below is a small handful of sources dealing with an incredibly complex and evolving subject. The science of biology has exploded in recent years, as has the controversy associated with applying some aspects of the science to human issues.
The Science – Religion Debate
March 21st, 2011
This list includes a variety of useful resources on the science-religion debates. It is not, by any means, exhaustive, as a google search on the topic will demonstrate. As I come across additional materials, the list below will be updated.
The Nature of Truth
March 14th, 2011
Dealing with truth can be tricky. Some interesting resources are listed below, all of which provide important insights.(more…)
Biology and Evolution
Mind, Brain and Spirit
Physics and Cosmology
Science – Religion Debate
The Nature of Truth
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