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May 10, 2013 | By admin

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Welcome to the ISAS Forum
ISAS – Integrating Science and Spirituality
ISAS is an initiative hosted by the Swedenborg Center of Concord, Massachusetts, under the direction of George Gantz. George has a B.S in Mathematics with Honors Humanities from Stanford University and is a lifelong student of science, philosophy and religion.
Albert Einstein once wrote “Science without religion is lame; religion without science is blind.” This statement is at odds with the more common notions that science and religion are in opposition or that science and religion are completely independent and deal with totally distinct questions. However, it succinctly captures the basic ideas to be found in the ISAS Forum: That science is increasingly dealing with ineluctable limits that reach metaphysical and theological questions; That religion needs open inquiry and reasoning to remain viable as the source of transcendent insight rather than mere dogma; That human life has both physical and spiritual dimensions that we must cherish and explore as we seek to be truly whole.
The debates between science and religion as characterized in the media are loud and virulent. This contrasts sharply with the basic view of many people – that there is no conflict between their understanding of science and their religious belief. The media acrimony also fails to acknowledge the many and varied efforts devoted to dialogue about science and spirituality. This includes the work of the Templeton Foundation, conferences hosted by the Dalai Lama, numerous interdisciplinary programs and colloquia offered at many colleges and universities and an extensive and growing body of published literature.
The ISAS Forum seeks to contribute to this conversation by exploring ideas at the interface of science and religion. These ideas will be explored in discussion threads posted in various topics including: the Nature of Truth; Biology, Medicine and Evolution; Mind, Brain and Consciousness; among others. In addition, the ISAS Forum contains News Briefs on items of interest. ISAS is also engaged in correspondence on other public websites and has hosted live public discussion sessions.
Your participation is welcome. Please join in any of the discussions and subscribe to our newsletter.
Posted in: Welcome
3 Responses to “Welcome to the ISAS Forum”
George Gantz says: May 15, 2013 at 6:18 pm Soni and Bob – Thanks for the kind words, and your interest. As you read the material on this site, I would be particularly interested in citations to Swedenborg and other scholars that shed additional light on the connections (and apparent conflicts) between scientific findings and religious principles. Reply
Soni Soneson Werner says: May 15, 2013 at 4:27 pm I have a strong interest in the interdisciplinary study of Psychology and Theology. I just wrote a new book entitled “Growth of the Female Mind” which can be purchased at cathedral bookstore or fountain publishing.com. I include developmental psychology, Swedenborgian theology, neuroscience and some Biblical studies as well…all focusing on my new theory about the moral and spiritual development of adults, using females as examples. I would love to talk to others in this forum about these topics. Soni Werner Reply
Robert J. Grappone says: May 15, 2013 at 4:04 pm George Gantz introduced me to Emanuel Swedenborg several years ago. Since then I have read
his Arcana Coelestia and subsequently many of his other works. I wish through this new forum to best prepare myself to better communicate with those who are
close to me that yes, science is part and in God’s Creation. Thanks for putting this together George. Reply
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